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How to install the app from the App Store or activate in-app purchase using Redeem Promo Code

Updated: Dec 8, 2024

Activate redeem promo code on iPad

What is a Redeem Promo Code?

A Redeem Promo Code is like a golden ticket that lets you install a paid app for free or unlock in-app purchases without spending a dime. To get one, you simply ask the app developer. Here's how to use it:

If you have iOS 11 or higher:

1. Open the App Store on your iPhone or iPad and tap the "Today" tab at the bottom.

2. In the top right corner, tap the "Account" icon to access your "Account Settings."

App Store Main Page iPhone

3. Select "Redeem Gift Card or Code" from the menu to open the "Redeem Code" screen.

Account Settings Screen for App Store iPhone

4. Choose "You can also enter your code manually."

Redeem Code Screen for iPhone

5. Enter your redeem code and tap "Done" to start downloading the app or activating in-app purchases.

Enter Redeem Code For iPhone

If you have iOS 10 or lower:

1. Once you have your promo code, open the App Store on your iPhone or iPad and go to the "Featured" tab at the bottom.

iOS 10 App Store Screen iPhone

2. Scroll down to find the "Other links" section.

iOS 10 App Store Screen iPhone My Profile

3. Tap "Redeem" and enter your Apple ID password when prompted.

iOS 10 App Store Screen iPhone Enter User Password

4. After entering your password, you'll see the Redeem Screen.

iOS 10 App Store Screen iPhone Enter Redeem Code Screen

5. Select "You can also enter your code manually" and input your received code.

iOS 10 App Store Screen iPhone Enter Redeem Code Text Field

6. Tap "Redeem" in the top-right corner, and the app installation will begin.

App Store Screen Redeem Code Activated And Application Downloading

7. Once the app is installed, it will appear on your "Home" screen. Tap "Open" to enjoy it.

You've successfully redeemed your code

8. Enjoy you app :)

Evermusic Pro icon

If your Redeem Promo Code is for an in-app purchase, the steps are the same. After activating the code, open the app's "Settings" page and tap "Restore purchases" to activate your in-app purchase.

For Mac Users:

The process is similar to iOS:

  • Open the App Store on your Mac.

  • Access the "Account" page and click the "Redeem Gift Card" button.

App Store On MAC

  • Enter the code from the developer and click "Redeem" to activate it.

Redeem Code Enter Screen Mac

Afterward, you can restore the activated in-app purchase within the app by opening the "Settings" page and tapping "Restore purchases" to unlock the Premium version of the app. Enjoy! 😄

1 Comment

I want to redeem🥹

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